Jared Holm
What is your role on the team?
Machining, building, scouting
Why I joined the team?
I enjoy creating and building things
What is your favorite part about being on Team Driven?
Having a good time with friends on the team
What is your experience with the team?
I joined the team as a freshman and did JRL when I was in grade school
How will you benefit the team?
Helping with making parts and with scouting
What are your plans after graduation?
Go to college and also become a pilot
How has robotics influenced your education/career choice?
Made me decide to take more challenging classes to prepare for college
What are your hobbies?
Basketball, baseball, R/C Aircraft, plastic models
What is your favorite type of dinosaur?
What is your favorite type of food?
What is your interesting fact/talent?
Singing in the shower
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