Aaron Neal
What is your role on the team?
Team member
Why I joined the team?
To familiarize with a team, to learn what it takes to build a winning robot, and to learn team-building skills.
What is your experience with the team?
First year, Summer camps, Levels: 1 & 2.
How will you benefit the team?
Fill a role required.
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to go to college (Longview for 2 years, then transfer to Missouri S&T (Rolla)), intended major: Mechanical, Electrical, or Chemical Engineering.
How has robotics influenced your education/career choice?
After taking summer camps during elementary & middle school, I wanted to be an engineer.
What are your personal goals?
To be a productive member of Team Driven.
What other activities are you involved in besides robotics?
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