Sarah Bohlman
What other activities are you involved in besides robotics?
Student Nurses’ Association (August 2010-present) – Social Chair
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority (October 2010-present) – Pride Leader, Homecoming Float Chair
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (August 2011-present) – Secretary/Treasurer
Volunteer at Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans Hospital
Experience in the Emergency Room
Volunteer at Ronald McDonald House
What are your hobbies?
I enjoy going to see the Missouri Tigers play football and basketball, hanging out and shopping with my sorority sisters, and working out at the gym.
What is you degree/college you graduated from/current career?
I attend the University of Missouri, Columbia (Mizzou) and I am currently a sophomore working for by Bachelor of Science in Nursing
What is your favorite part about being on Team Driven?
I enjoy the opportunity it gives alumni to stay involved and support the team. I love being able to communicate with the team and keep alumni up to date on the success of Team Driven.
What is your favorite type of dinosaur?
Triceratops: they look scary but are harmless, they only ate plants!
What is your favorite type of food?
Mexican or chocolate!
What is your interesting fact/talent?
For my 18th birthday I went skydiving.I am in the University of Missouri’s Honor College and a Nursing Scholar
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