Amelia Gooch

What is your role on the team?

Communications Team

Why I joined the team?

Family ties to the team and sounded like a fun challenge

What is your favorite part about being on Team Driven?

The team atmosphere. I really like working with the kids at camp.

What is your experience with the team?

Fourth year, Summer camps helper, JRL 3 years, Appreciation Receptions coordinator, Chairman’s Award essay contributor

How will you benefit the team?

Participate and contribute when I can, be a team member.

What are your plans after graduation?

I plan to attend Mizzou! Intended major: Pharmacy or Biomedical Engineering.

How has robotics influenced your education/career choice?

It made me see engineering as a possible career.

What are your personal goals?

Graduate high school, graduate college, and get a fun job.

What other activities are you involved in besides robotics?

Varsity Tennis, Concert Choir, Church, Symphony Orchestra, A+, Sounds of Summit, Student Senate, Scholar Bowl, Tiger Smart, and Tiger Mentor.

What is your favorite type of dinosaur?


What is your favorite type of food?


What is your interesting fact/talent?

I love to ski!


Posted 13 years ago by Crystal Durgan on Wednesday, February 8th, 2012 · Permalink

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